• Diverting excess food to the hungry people since 2011

Find, Secure and Deliver Food

We are a non-profit enabling the exchange of excess food from the food industry to those who need it most

How It Works


Food is Donated

Farms, restaurants, cafeterias, hotels, stadiums, and grocery stores post excess food in under a minute on the Waste No Food app.


Food is Secured

Pre-vetted charities immediately get notified about food donations and can claim any donations they can use to serve hungry clients.


Food Is Picked Up

The charity, or a network of volunteers, picks up the food and serves it to hungry people.


Download the Waste No Food app

Facilitating food exchange since 2011
Waste No Food enables the food industry to donate excess food, when it becomes available, to local qualified charities.

Bring Waste No Food to Your Community

Local governments and nonprofits can manage food recovery programs in their community through the Waste No Food app. We’ll provide the technology infrastructure to enable real-time food donation.

Waste No Food enables the food industry to donate excess food to hungry people.


A Solvable Problem

Service organizations want access to excess food, but there are barriers — locating the excess food, establishing their credentials, and efficiently deploying resources to transport food. Waste No Food breaks down these barriers.


Raw Food

40% of all food is thrown away or plowed over. In California, 100 billion

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Prepared Food

In California alone, over 5 billion pounds of prepared food is thrown away every

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If only one-third of California’s excess food were diverted, it would resolve the hunger

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Help Us Deliver Meals to Healthcare Workers

Become a Waste No Food Administrator. Waste No Food will help you monitor and expand the program in your community so you can focus on helping bring excess food to hungry people.

Latest News and Highlights


What Our Users Are Saying…

Plumed Horse is thrilled to partner with Waste No Food. For the distribution of our artisanal & locally sourced surplus products.

Josh Weeks

General Manager, Plumed Horse

Dio Deka is pleased to be the first donor to Waste No Food’s worthy cause. We are also happy to see it being adopted by many other restaurants.

Sakis Platis

Partner at Dio Deka

Manresa is happy to be associated with Waste No Food and its mission. We are glad to help the program continue to grow.

David Kinch

James Beard award winning chef owner of Manresa

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